This blog is an attempt to keep all of my published works in one place. I've been asked countless times if I had a blog. In the past, I'd always answered that question with a resounding: "No."
I believe the sole job of a writer is to write and not to keep an online diary, per se, of random thoughts, likes/dislikes, etc., but I suppose that is personally up to the writer, no?But with nearly 200 published stories under my literary belt and no sign of any writer's block in the near future, the task to reign in those stories scattered all over cyberspace can be somewhat daunting. Not to mention numerous poems and articles, as well. In my efforts, I'm sure I've left some stories out and this is my way of keeping the beast in the cage.
Also, of late, I have been inspired by excellent and
highly recommended blogspots such as
Six Sentences, Bazooko's Circus, Hemingway's Paris and
The Hemingway Project, to name but a few.
Above all-I hope you like my stories.